

Johnson: IRS has been used as a political weapon
North Texas Conservative Group Likely Targeted
Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (R-TX) issued the following statement for today’s Ways and Means Committee hearing on the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) targeting of conservative groups.


Mr. Chairman,

  Thank you for holding this hearing.  The American people deserve to know the truth so that those in the IRS who are responsible will be held fully accountable. 
  I would also like to thank the Inspector General for its important work.

The bottom-line is that the IRS has been used as a political weapon. 

  Folks and groups back home seeking to express their support for our hard-fought freedoms and liberties … for limited government … for a better America … should never be subjected to intimidation because of their political beliefs.  Never!

  By way of example, back home, the Allen Area Patriots seem to me to have been a target of the IRS.  Back in July 2010, the group applied for 501(c)(4) status.  As of today, the group has not had a response.  That’s nearly three years ago.  In February 2012, the IRS sent the Allen Area Patriots a set of 19 questions including such onerous and irrelevant questions such as those relating to the employment of the group’s key officials. 
  And I would like to point out that in the letter accompanying the 19 questions, the IRS asks applicants to declare that the information they provide is “true, correct, and complete.” 

  Unfortunately, the IRS has failed time and again to hold itself to this standard. 

  The actions of the IRS are simply outrageous and unacceptable. 

  We must make sure this never happens again.

Note: Congressman Johnson also delivered remarks on the House Floor in response to the issue, click here to play.

- J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in Collin County in North Texas. Advertise with J.B. by calling 469-334-9962.

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