
Signs, Signs, let your Signs Shine!

What Is Your Sign?
jb blocker

There are real people behind those signs! Do you get to know them before you vote?  How do you do it?

  In today's electronic era, it is not that hard to study up candidates and find out when they will be locally available for public viewing.

  Many get started Surfing for Candidates very early in the campaign cycles. They want to be part of the system. They want to project their voice. They want to find someone who motivates them, who listens to them, who hears them.

You can google, yahoo, bing, linked-in, facebook, twitter, etc.etc. 

It is an honor, a pleasure, and a challenge for me to help you know that person behind the sign. 
  Your responsibility as a concerned citizen is to take the time to know the candidates and then speak up for the ones you believe can be a dedicated voice you trust.

They come in all sizes. They are on hats and shirts and pins. On the highways and byways
, private property, personal property, and automobiles.

  Some say that they are distracting, or that they are a nuisance, or even a driving hazard. Are they necessary? I say YES!

And if you don't eventually have any signs in your yard, on your vehicles, or even worn on your shirts, hats, or luggage then I say
'You haven't become passionate about your leadership! And let me add, you have no right to complain!'

Do those signs influence you?

Do you remember all the names of candidates you see covering every available green space? Do you research these names online and then take the time to meet and hear them? 
  What effect do those signs have on you? Do they annoy, entertain, inform? You can leave a comment. 

A Good Sign

  I don’t know who they are, but they say that every yard sign is worth about 7 votes. Now that could be, give or take 3 or 4 for all I know. I don't much trust polls anymore. Those numbers can be manufactured into any flavor of B.S.
  I never really understood when people wanted to be secretive about their voting preferences. Just because we have a different opinion doesn’t mean I’m going to be mad at you. 

  I figure we probably still have more in common than we know. I am not afraid to ask people for their opinions or observations. I'm certainly not afraid to give mine!

  The point is that those property owners have made a political statement. They have measured a candidate on a personal level and found them worthy of a place on their property!
  I love seeing homes with several signs. Every once in a while I see a yard that has a half dozen or more signs and I feel good about those neighbors. I’d rather see several signs in a yard than just one. I know some of these people with multiple signs and I know that they are taking their vote seriously, researching, and then weighing in on their position. I love that!

Personally, I think that we should show more respect for the candidates and for our own vote by letting our own opinions be heard or seen in this case.
  So, to me, a good sign is when your neighbor has the sign of a candidate in a race that you aren’t familiar with, so you go over and ask them what they know about the candidate. 
Isn’t that what we’d like America to be? An even better sign is when our citizens take more time to meet these candidates who win them over and then show and tell their neighbors, friends, and family that they are conscientious citizens.

Let Your Sign Shine!

Give time, give support, give your future, give money, I give em the bird! They are making their own luck.

- J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in Collin County in North Texas. Advertise with J.B. by calling 469-334-9962. Email:

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