
The Angela Tucker Story

Character: The Building Block for Another Over Achieving Texas Girl
By J.B. Blocker
  It’s a shame that we don’t know more about the character of our elected officials before we give them our vote. Many would never have been elected if we had known more about their character. Others would become obvious choices to place our trust in.
  Character is awakened and then groomed by influences and circumstances. We are all born with possibilities, all the possibilities in the world. No matter how rough and challenging our roads become, the spirit can overcome those tests if we walk toward a light.
  Many may say that Angela Tucker was a miracle child, and that might be true. But I’ve gotten to know her, and I know that she was blessed with character, support, and determination!
  The indomitable spirit of her mother Jewelene, her beloved grandmother Melvina, her grandfather Johnnie Hill, and many others helped to guide her steps. They led by example under the harsh glare of racism. The men from her father Chester Thomas’ line led with their proud heritage of military service. They guided her with love and respect for God and Country.

Two hands full
  “Angela arrived two months early. I really think she was in a hurry to get started,” recalls her mother.
   “Anyway, when I finally woke up three days later they put this little nugget on my chest. She only weighed 2.13 pounds and wasn’t much bigger than two hands full. 
  She has been at least two hands full and more ever since! Back in those days babies that small were extremely high risk. Her progress even amazed the doctors and nurses! 
  She got a lot of attention and those nurses loved her! She came out with a thick head of hair and the sweetest smile. They told me she was alert from the very start. And I can tell you, she’s been alert ever since.”
  They kept her in that Denison hospital for nearly a month. She couldn’t take in more than an ounce at a time so she was fed often. By the time they took her home, she was 5 pounds and she was a hospital favorite. She was walking by 9 months and was so tiny she was still wearing newbies until she was two.
  “She was paying attention and getting attention more than any baby I ever saw and believe me, we’ve got a big family tree around us.”
  “When my mother and father got a hold of her, it was all over. Her granddaddy couldn’t see past her and she never could do wrong in his eyes for his whole life. They were always an important part of her day to day life.”
Children of the Help
  Angela's grandmother Melvina Thomas Hill was a ‘domestic’ most of her life. That proud Christian woman washed, ironed, cooked, cleaned, and practically raised some of the children of her employers. 
  It was still a time when 'the Master' was still commonly used.  For extra money she would pick, chop, and card cotton. She took in extra ironing when ever she could.     
  Of her nine children, 7 survived. The second child was a girl they named Jewelene. The other six were boys. Jewelene began going to work with her mother as a pre-school child helping in the domestic work of their employers.
  The women made their dresses out of cotton sacks. They bought scrap meat and a lot of peanut butter to go with their home made jellies. They made their own soap in a big ole black pot. They took in extra ironing, did extra cooking and cleaning or yard work even after a hard days work.   
  They never missed a chance to worship at the Church of God in Christ even though it was a mile and a half walk each way.
  Color has never been an issue to the Hill family. They were as multi-colored as the world just in the last 3 generations.

   But race was definitely an issue in their world in Sherman, Texas in the mid 1900’s. 
  Even when they were offered a ride from their employers, they had to ride in the back seat. They had to drink out of the ‘Colored Only’ public water fountains for fear of reproof or even arrest.
  Melvina and Jewelene would spend their Thanksgivings or other holidays cooking, serving, and then cleaning up after their employers and their family, but they would have to eat their small portions of leftovers out on the back porch.
  Johnnie Hill was one of 11 children. He had blonde hair, hazel eyes, and very light skin. Some even called him albino. Johnnie was a porter for the Interurban Rail Road shining shoes and carrying luggage for 50 cents a day after WWII. He would pick cotton when it was the season and mow lawns, help with the cooking, and clean for families over the years.
  Even with the demeaning treatment, poor pay, and hard work, the Hill family had some very special things. They had character, they dreamed of a better life for themselves and their children, and they had their faith. 
  The family never missed a church gathering. Even as a 5 year old Angela would stand by her grandmother as an usher at church services. She continued that tradition from then on and still ushers and greets at Sunday services to this day. It is a personal joy and part of her service to her church and her faith by welcoming and greeting others as they enter.
   Even though Johnnie Hill’s regular job eventually only paid about five dollars a day, they found a way to save a little money. They found ways to keep the family fed. They grew their own vegetables and raised chickens. They didn’t know to complain, and there were no social services that were going to supplement their needs.
  The Hill family knew there was a fence that divided them from a better life. But they also knew that hard work and education would be the road for their children to overcome that barrier. This was the world that Angela Tucker was born into.
Service Comes in Many Forms
  There are many ways we can serve our community and our country. “I give the credit for my love and respect of the military to my father’s side. I have always tried to find ways to serve in my own way. 
   My grandfather George served in the Army during WWII. My four uncles also served in the Army. My father Chester served in the Air Force. As a child I was taught to have pride and respect in our country, our armed forces, and the freedom we have in America.
   I learned the discipline that is important in the armed services from my father. Simple things like presenting yourself in a crisp and clean manner, to keeping your area tidy, and even to making your bed tight enough to bounce a quarter are part of that discipline. My dad has always maintained and encouraged those fundamentals. To this day he believes that if you are on time, you are late!”
  These are the people who influenced Angela.     
These are the gifts she was given. No amount of money can buy these gifts and no amount of money can build character.

  Jewelene laughingly reflects, “By 3rd grade the school was trying to advance her. Some say she was bossy. Really, she just wasn’t interested in waiting around; she was looking for the next thing to do!
 Those that know her say she just thinks if she can do it, so can anyone else, and she doesn’t have a problem leading the way. 
  She was the kid that got the award for reading the most books during the summer and from then on she was determined to do that every year. 
  She was the one who would read into the night even on school nights and even if she had to hide it from her mother. There were many nights when she fell asleep with a book on her face.
  Participating in the renown Sherman High Steppers Drill Team, cheer leading, dance, volleyball, basketball, track, and band didn’t deter Angie from graduating 6th out of  a class of 300.
“She loved school and learning so much, I was afraid she was going to be a career student!”    
  Before Angie was in Jr. High she already knew she wanted to go to The University of Texas and that she was going to be a lawyer. From then on she was preparing her own way.
Defending the Poor
  As a young girl, Angela’s parents were divorced. Because her father had a good attorney and her mother was horribly represented, Jewelene and her children literally lost everything. This would propel Angela to work harder, study more (if that was possible), and aim for whatever scholarships she could earn so that she could get her Degree from the University of Texas
  If you stick her she bleeds burnt orange.
Angela would eventually earn a 5 year full academic scholarship but would complete her degree in 3 ½ years while working 30 hours a week to pay for her personal needs and incidentals. 
  She was hired by the Dean of Students office in a position usually reserved for graduate students.
Her devotion to human rights is ingrained in her. 
  If you talk to people who know her they all speak of her dedication to her clients well being even long after the cases have been settled. In the District Courts half of the cases are family and civil law. She has a track record for defending human rights, and her respect for the law is molded by compassion and considerations for all parties. 
  Rights are not an after thought to her.
I have been in Angela’s company many times in the past few years. I have spoken to many who know her on many levels. The judges that she appears before, the prosecutors and defense attorneys who have worked with her, and her family and friends have all spoken about her with warmth and respect. She is not one to be feared. She is one to be respected.
  But don’t think that being compassionate means she can be pushed around. Like Angela says, “If you challenge me, don’t expect me to back down. I will bring it!”
Collin County’s 199th District Court
   Judge Angela Tucker now seeks re-election to maintain the continuity of her Court
  Angela has had a long and highly respected career in Collin County as an Assistant District Attorney and with her own practice. During that time she has earned the support of her fellow criminal attorneys, the endorsements of major law enforcement associations, the respect of the courts, and the devotion of those whose rights she has protected.
  You will have many opportunities to meet this lady over the next few weeks. And when you do, you will be blessed for the contact with that hand full of opportunity that grew up to be a defender of Human and Constitutional rights.

This is a vote that will be easy for you to make and good for the citizens of Collin County.

- J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in Collin County in North Texas. Advertise with J.B. by calling 469-334-9962. Email:

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