
Collin County is an Orphan

Sen. Bob Deuell, Tincy, Ray Huffines
Angela Tucker, Fred Moses, Tincy
Tincy with Sen. Jeb Hensarling
Rep. Cindy Burkett with Tincy
Tincy with Christi Craddick

Collin County is an Orphan
By J.B. Blocker
Due to the new redistricting lines, Collin County is now part of the new District 12 for representation on the State Board of Education! This newly aligned district is now partly Northern Dallas County and all of Collin County.
This is actually good news! It means that this highly conservative Christian base has the opportunity to be represented by ‘Tincy’ Miller, the most highly respected and devoted advocate in Texas SBOE history.
Mrs. Miller is far and away the most knowledgeable and experienced of all candidates’ state wide. Her dedication to Texas public schools spans over 20 years!
A Football Analogy
This opportunity for representation could be compared to the Denver Broncos’ acquisition of Payton Manning for quarterback. Even though Manning is nearing the end of his career, his leadership, track record, knowledge of the game, and determination all added up to an easy decision for G.M. and Hall of Fame quarterback for Denver, John Elway.
Not only are Manning and Miller highly respected in their fields, they are no nonsense leaders who find a way to get the most from their teammates. They know the rules better than anyone else and literally changed the face of their organizations. They cannot be intimidated, their integrity cannot be questioned, and they have lived their careers without letting egos get in the way of the performance of their duties.
SBOE Responsibilities
The SBOE is NOT a salaried position! The board meets every two months and only travel expenses are reimbursed! Other than that, each board member must answer to their constituents and bear their own expenses. For the most part, they maintain their own means of income which makes the SBOE a part time job for many members.
Tincy Miller maintains her own office and support staff for her own well regarded family business involved in commercial real estate. This offers her District accessibility to communication and allows Mrs. Miller the flexibility to actively pursue her responsibilities to her District and to her SBOE agenda.
·         Manage, protect, and preserve the Permanent Texas School Book Fund.
  This fund was originated for the sole purpose of funding instructional materials only! It has grown to be a 25 billion dollar fund. This of course is a target to Texas congressmen that think they can spend the money better and for other purposes. In the last session, 9 of the 15 current SBOE members signed a proposition to allow some access to those funds. Many of the members have aspirations to seek other offices and are easily influenced by lobbyist and elected officials who would like to spend those funds without regard to its founding purpose.
  In this election, all of the seats are up for election. Mrs. Miller is not influenced by lobbyist and cannot be intimidated or courted by outside influences. She is financially self sufficient and is 100% dedicated to the public school systems responsibility to the children of Texas. The SBOE now more than ever needs this kind of experienced representation and leadership.
·         Choose and regulate curriculum
  Another important assignment of the SBOE is to provide due diligence in the research and proper application of public school curriculum. Currently, there is a demonstrated bend toward more liberal and less Christian based educational foundations. The State of Texas and the United States are founded on truth in history and religious freedom, but not at the expense of moral and ethical context intended by our founding fathers.
  Mrs. Miller is a civic leader with strong community involvement who is grounded in teaching historical truths and not sugar coating the truth with left wing agendas. At the same time throughout her career she has demonstrated her willingness to cross boundaries to connect the future of education with the ever evolving nature of a growing and diversified population. ie: Dyslexia and Special Need support for children with learning disorders, and the advancement of learning support through the use of Phonics she facilitated and implemented the first phonics based curriculum in Texas public schools.
·         Purchasing and maintaining educational supplies
  The SBOE is responsible for reviewing and  the adoption of books and instructional materials in order to meet the requirements of the approved curriculum.
  This responsibility requires accessing the citizens and educational leadership available to make the right decisions as well as the steer the publishers to provide materials that do not step beyond the curriculum that has been approved.
  Even though Mrs. Miller has proven that she is willing to entertain and investigate options for materials, she has also proven that she will stand her ground to insure the requirements are not circumvented by money and influence. Her personality is one that leans toward cooperation and recognition of diversity. Her strength is in knowing when to stand her ground to insure the educational foundation of Texas Public Schools.
The Payton Manning comparison is a legitimate one. It doesn’t matter if you have a budding star in the wings, if you can have a proven leader who is still committed to giving their best to a purpose; you take the experienced and dedicated leader and be grateful that they are on your side.

J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in Collin County in North Texas. Advertise with J.B. by calling 469-334-9962. Email:

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