

Eclectivity: the tapestry of ethnicity, education, exposure, cultures, skin pigments, creativity, dreamers, and wanderers who have become woven in to the fabric of a new perception.
"When all are welcomed to blend their contributions to their chosen home…you have Eclectivity!
You Have Frisco, Texas!" j.b. blocker

Candidate, Frisco City Council Place 1

  Hui (pronounced Way) was raised in Central China, the son of two educators being paid about $25 a week. As a prodigy, he attended the highest rated school systems in his country where he ranked at the top of his class. 
  It was in middle school where he became acquainted with his future wife Liz who went on to become a Doctor of Internal Medicine.
  As it is for most of the highly competitive academic titans of Chinese students, it was a dream to one day be accepted to other world class institutes of higher education. 
  Because of a proposed hypothesis for measuring the pressure of light, he was accepted to Yale University. Way arrived to the campus with $300 and a willingness to also hold a job while striving to be the best of the best in academics.
  Liz still proudly displays some of the thousands of notes, cards, and letters they exchanged. Stan proved to be devoted to communicating with Liz across the time zones long before cell phones, text messages, and e-mails were more than ideas. Over the years of separation Liz completed her internship as a medical doctor. The love birds wrote each other as often as every other day. 
  It is a love and devotion that is still on display every time one of them speaks about the other. 

  With little future in Chemical Engineering to turn to, Hui found work on Wall Street as an Analyst. He taught himself all the highest levels of programming and moved up the corporate ladder of expertise in gathering and presenting big data.
  It was during his time at Wall Street that the family with two young children discovered Christianity. When his wife urged him to consider the Bible and its teachings, he read it and discovered that it made sense to him. 
  Coming from an Atheist/Communist society, they had no exposure to religion. But they knew something was missing in their lives.
  One of his first favorite authors was Pastor Charles Stanley, a leader in the Baptist Church. Hui took Stanley as his American name and would later become a student at Dallas Theological Seminary.

  Stanley cares nothing about sports unless one of his 4 children are participating. While his wife is gregarious and spirited, Stanley is observant and analytical. He is a voracious reader of Economics, History, and Politics.
  Their commitment to Frisco as their permanent home grew, and Stanley's interest in the city's economy drove him to research cause and effect. He discovered questions that had no answers. He discovered patterns that had serious consequences.
  This was where Stanley's experience and intellect drove him to ask more questions and question the possibilities. He recognized what has happened all over the state and country when city leaders became overwhelmed with budgets, taxation, and predictable possibilities.
  Stanley doesn't care to cut ribbons.
He doesn't even really know who the Jones's are. What he does care about is the gift of Data Analysis and how he can contribute to the financial well-being of a city that has won the heart of his family. It is for this reason that he offers himself to the City of Frisco and its citizens. Place 1, ninth on the ballot. Feb. 18th


·         Predicative modeling/Machine learning/text mining
·         Extensive knowledge of financial products including equity, futures,    option, and fixed-income instruments.
·         Strong communication skills
·         Expert-level Java, C++, and big-data technologies


08/2014 – Present   Intuit (Plano, TX)                             
Senior Data Scientist
-    Introduced predictive modeling into sales and marketing processes of the professional tax business unit.
-    Built machine-learning models for customer attrition, up-sell/cross-sell opportunities, tax fraud detection, and product prices. Designed attrition-based and pricing-model-based pricing tests and price optimization
-    Worked closely with data engineering team to identify, organize, clean, transform, and aggregate data to facilitate the profiling of customers and various daily activities across sales/marketing departments.

09/2013 – 07/2014   Barclays Capital (Plano, TX)         
Senior Java/C++ Developer
-    Integrated quantitative models for the valuation of corporate bonds, municipal bonds, and emerging market bonds into a grid-based cluster on both Linux and Windows.
-    Provided support for daily operations and ad-hoc requests of modeling group and trading desk

01/2012 – 09/2013   Language Computer Corp              
Senior Software Engineer
-    Collaborated with NLP scientists to perform research on text categorization, text summation, metaphor detection, and discourse/dialogue on social media.
-    Secured multi-year funding on text summation from NIST
-    Designed and implemented machine learning models (LDA, HMM, PCA etc.) and supporting processes in Java/C++/R/Perl/shell scripts

01/2011 – 01/2012     Dallas Theological Seminary

09/2009 – 01/2011   Bank of America (Frisco, TX)       
Senior C++ Developer on Equity Trading System

07/2006 – 05/2009   MBS Analytics/Modeling, Barclays / Lehman Brothers (NYC)
-    Implemented MBS fixed-rate and hybrid prepayment models and related analytics in C++
-    Provided support for daily operations and ad-hoc requests of MBS modeling group and MBS trading desk

07/2004 – 07/2006   Two Sigma Investments (NYC)
-    Develop novel data error detection and cleansing algorithms for high- and low-frequency equity/equity options/global indices data (Java/C++). Implemented a framework for comprehensive data QA
-    Modeled data-feed latency, which shortened the development cycle of tick-data feeds significantly, and reduced the latency of the feed from 600ms to below 200ms

11/1999 – 07/2004   CSFB (Credit Suisse) (NYC)          Tech Lead
Led the multi-year effort on the development of a large real-time global futures, equity, and options trading system with Java and C++, on which CSFB standardized its internal and external (institutional) trading activities. As a globally distributed messaging system, it offered fail over, load balancing, and disaster-recovery capabilities. It helped the revenue of the futures sales desk grow about 900% in 5 years

05/1997 – 11/1999        Contractor Positions                                         Java/EJB Developer
-    Data access and dissemination system for the Bureau of Census with CORBA.
-    Futures/options order execution and allocation system in J2EE for the trading desks in NYC, Chicago and London


09/91 - 05/97 Ph.D.  Chemical Engineering / Physical Chemistry, Yale University
Research petroleum catalysts with x-ray/laser spectroscopy. Build math libraries for data analysis.

09/87 - 07/91 B.S.   University of Science and Technology of China, P. R. China

                Materials Science and Engineering

- J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in Collin County in North Texas. Advertise with J.B. by calling 469-334-9962.

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