

Eclectivity: the tapestry of ethnicity, education, exposure, cultures, skin pigments, creativity, dreamers, and wanderers who have become woven in to the fabric of a new perception.
"When all are welcomed to blend their contributions to their chosen home…you have Eclectivity!
You Have Frisco, Texas!" j.b. blocker

Candidate, Frisco City Council Place 1

  Hui (pronounced Way) was raised in Central China, the son of two educators being paid about $25 a week. As a prodigy, he attended the highest rated school systems in his country where he ranked at the top of his class. 
  It was in middle school where he became acquainted with his future wife Liz who went on to become a Doctor of Internal Medicine.
  As it is for most of the highly competitive academic titans of Chinese students, it was a dream to one day be accepted to other world class institutes of higher education. 
  Because of a proposed hypothesis for measuring the pressure of light, he was accepted to Yale University. Way arrived to the campus with $300 and a willingness to also hold a job while striving to be the best of the best in academics.
  Liz still proudly displays some of the thousands of notes, cards, and letters they exchanged. Stan proved to be devoted to communicating with Liz across the time zones long before cell phones, text messages, and e-mails were more than ideas. Over the years of separation Liz completed her internship as a medical doctor. The love birds wrote each other as often as every other day. 
  It is a love and devotion that is still on display every time one of them speaks about the other. 

The Lone Star Sheriff's Image

Sheriff Keith Gary, 2 nd from the l eft You Can Always Learn Behind his desk, Sheriff Keith Gary of Grayson County leans towa...