
McKinney Women

Making a (BIG) Difference  a review by J.B. Blocker
  I had heard about a book featuring several lady acquaintances from McKinney, Texas. The North Dallas community has blossomed over the past 20 years to become a nationally recognized Best Place to live in many categories. 
 Last week I obtained a copy. The two organizer/authors are Sheila Johnson and Michelle Prince who I have known casually for several years. When I sat down to read it, I expected a good read. I didn’t put the book back down except for more coffee.
  More communities should raise up leadership and encourage more open involvement. 
  I am a fan of collections of short stories that make a point and leave an impression. You can order a copy from Amazon at this link.
  The real surprise was not just the range of blessings and challenges each of the dozen paths had crossed and taken. I expected some variety. It was the fact that as a collection the range of inspiration was not just deep and wide, but was also much bigger than McKinney.  And the book is not just for women. I thought of my mom and several others as I visited each personal story.
  These ladies didn’t do inspirational things without the help of others who also believed, supported, and encouraged them whether parents, siblings, and even outsiders. I like to think that we are surrounded by opportunities to be Assistant Guardian Angels. Even assisting Guardian Angels counts in my book. 


Your Far North Dallas Connection

The Far North Dallas Region is exploding! 
Janice Berg, Realtor

   People are arriving from all over the country and the world. They are a diversified blend that has transformed Far North Dallas. With many corporate headquarters now choosing Collin and Denton Counties as their home, the demands are overwhelming the residential market. Families move here with those new employers. Seniors come to be near their families. Singles and couples have much different requirements.
  Adding to that mix are the many who are coming from other Dallas Ft. Worth communities anxious to fill those new job opportunities. 
  There is no telling how the lure of the new Dallas Cowboys headquarters will eventually beckon not only Cowboys staff and families but also their devoted fans.
  Your realtor really needs to have a broader understanding of the many neighborhoods in order to point you to that perfect home and then help you to confidently make this important decision.
Shopping, Dinning, Church, School, Work, and Play

The Lone Star Sheriff's Image

Sheriff Keith Gary, 2 nd from the l eft You Can Always Learn Behind his desk, Sheriff Keith Gary of Grayson County leans towa...