
I know where the beef is!

Estilo Gaucho Brazilian Steakhouse
  Take your friends and take your time! 
  This is not the time or place to be in a hurry.
   With over 40 items from the salad bar and 16 choices of beef, chicken, pork, and lamb, it will be hard to save room for desert!
   So sit back, relax, enjoy your company, and at least share the deserts.

Collin County's District Attorney came for the experience and left with the 7 Layer Chocolate Cake. 
  Looking for a place to enjoy a delicious and unhurried lunch or dinner?  Look no further than Frisco’s unique signature Brazilian Steakhouse, Estilo Gaucho.
  I arrived licking my chops, ever so ready for some tasty, open-fire roasted rib eye or bacon-wrapped beef tenderloin.  If you were with me as I was escorted to my table, you would have witnessed my surprise at  Estilo Gaucho’s breathtakingly big salad bar. 
   Among the 40+ choices were Chicken Stroganoff, Shitake Mushrooms, Cured Meats, Smoked Salmon, gourmet cheese selections, hearts of palm, artichoke hearts, assorted soups and salads; you name it, and it was there.  
  They were beckoning even me, a stranger in a green land.
      I was jealously guarding space for my beloved meats. I chose only the Caprese Salad.  And boy was it good!  But was this some kind of trick?  Making a meat-lover like me pine for a second helping of salad?  
   I wondered, when would my true love arrive?  How long could I remain faithful and resist the surprising temptation of those whispering greens? 

The Angela Tucker Story

Character: The Building Block for Another Over Achieving Texas Girl
By J.B. Blocker
  It’s a shame that we don’t know more about the character of our elected officials before we give them our vote. Many would never have been elected if we had known more about their character. Others would become obvious choices to place our trust in.
  Character is awakened and then groomed by influences and circumstances. We are all born with possibilities, all the possibilities in the world. No matter how rough and challenging our roads become, the spirit can overcome those tests if we walk toward a light.
  Many may say that Angela Tucker was a miracle child, and that might be true. But I’ve gotten to know her, and I know that she was blessed with character, support, and determination!


Judge your Candidates! Major James Angelino

  I am the product of a family of immigrants. My great grandfather on my father's side came to the US via Ellis Island in 1908. My mother's family came from Spain, to Puerto Rico, then to the US.
  Neither of my parents spoke their family’s native language. Growing up we had a lot more contact with my father's family. If you asked my great grandfather Cono Severino, what he was, he would have told you he was an American. He realized the only way to truly have a chance at the American Dream was to assimilate.
  He wanted better for his family than he had. The only way that could happen was to speak English and become an American. I do really wish that Italian was spoken instead of buying Rosetta Stone, but I am proud and grateful my family made that decision.
  Unfortunately, some of the immigrants of today do not feel the same way and are not taking advantage of the benefits of being a part of this great nation and of being American.

Major James (Jimmy) Angelino, Candidate for the new Collin County Court #7.
  The first thing I asked Jimmy when he told me he had decided to run for the newly formed Collin County Court #7 was Why?
  He had previously run for Collin County District Attorney against a wildly popular local favorite and former Judge with plenty of campaign experience. Even though he is highly qualified, the Greg Willis juggernaut was too strong to overcome.
  As far as I am concerned, if you want to elect someone who will give their all and then some, he would rank high on any list.
Cole (16), Misti, Gabby (6)
  The man decided he needed to serve his country in the military in honor of family traditions at age 39! James Angelino now serves as a Major in the United States Army Reserve JAG Corp.
  He was mobilized to active duty in January 2003 where he spent 16 months on active duty. Jimmy was sent to Tikrit, Iraq for a 6 month tour where he defended soldiers accused of misconduct. During this time, Jimmy was the lead attorney on 21 Courts Martials. For his service, Jimmy was awarded the Bronze Star, The Army Commendation Medal, The Iraqi Campaign Medal, and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.
  So Why? Why a misdemeanor court?

The Lone Star Sheriff's Image

Sheriff Keith Gary, 2 nd from the l eft You Can Always Learn Behind his desk, Sheriff Keith Gary of Grayson County leans towa...