This is not the time or place to be in a hurry.
With over 40 items from the salad bar and 16 choices of beef, chicken, pork, and lamb, it will be hard to save room for desert!
So sit back, relax, enjoy your company, and at least share the deserts.
Collin County's District Attorney came for the experience and left with the 7 Layer Chocolate Cake.

I arrived licking my chops, ever so ready for some tasty, open-fire
roasted rib eye or bacon-wrapped beef tenderloin. If you were with me
as I was escorted to my table, you would have witnessed my surprise at Estilo Gaucho’s breathtakingly big
salad bar.
Among the 40+ choices were Chicken Stroganoff, Shitake
Mushrooms, Cured Meats, Smoked Salmon, gourmet cheese selections, hearts of palm, artichoke hearts, assorted soups and salads; you name it, and it was there.
They were beckoning even me, a stranger in a green land.
They were beckoning even me, a stranger in a green land.
I was jealously guarding space for my beloved meats. I chose only the
Caprese Salad. And boy was it good! But was this some kind of
trick? Making a meat-lover like me pine for a second helping of salad?
I wondered, when would my true love arrive? How long could I remain faithful and resist the surprising temptation of those whispering greens?
I wondered, when would my true love arrive? How long could I remain faithful and resist the surprising temptation of those whispering greens?