

  Ann Lieber, a well known and respected grassroots conservative, filed for her candidacy to become the next Collin County Commissioner of Precinct 1 on December 6, 2013.  

 Ann Lieber will be on the ballot for the March 4, 2014 Republican primary.

Lieber has been receiving overwhelming encouragement and support within Collin County sufficient to convince her that she must take a leadership role in the community. She has the trust and respect of a wide range of knowledgeable and responsible citizens as well as local elected officials and other community leaders who have confirmed that she can and will represent the citizens diligently, intelligently, and honorably.

With more than five years of grassroots activism within Collin County, the town of Prosper and surrounding communities, Ann’s record speaks for itself in regards to her Constitutional ethics as well as her tenacity to seek the facts, demand truths, and stand up for her beliefs on the issues that affect those that she serves.

Her basic principles are: personal responsibility, fiscal accountability and adherence to the Constitution. As Co-Coordinator of the Prosper TEA Party, Lieber stands for accessibility, transparency, and responsiveness in local and county government. Ann believes the People deserve a fair and prepared representative.

Lieber is well known for her selfless approach to speaking out on behalf of her community on numerous topics at the local, county, and regional level; and has always been willing to provide alternative solutions with factual documentation of each issue.  Ann is well known for bringing forth issues that others refuse to tackle.

She understands the proper role of government and its core function. “My goal is to be a true public servant to the taxpayers of Collin County  I believe tax dollars need to stay local and benefit the community.”  

A native Texan born in Dallas and raised in Richardson:  

Ann graduated from Richardson High School and received her BA in English from the University of Texas at Dallas. She worked for the FDIC in Addison, Texas from 1986 to 1994 during the 1980’s banking crisis. Currently employed by Huntington Homes, her office is at Phillips Creek Ranch in Frisco.

Ann has been married to her husband Marc for 19 years and they share 4 children. The youngest, Andrea is a senior at Prosper High School. The Lieber’s have lived in Collin County since 2001 and moved to Prosper in December 2006. Two dogs and a horse named Dillon round out the Lieber household.

Ann continues to follow the trend of exponential growth in Collin County and recognizes both the challenges and opportunities this presents.  

Having the skills necessary to not only address, but also provide solutions to the issues surrounding transportation, infrastructure, and economic development while maintaining a high standard of service provided by county employees is what has motivated her to run for this office.  “During my 2012 attendance of Collin County Prosecutor’s Academy, I truly gained increased respect for the courts, law enforcement, and employees that keep Collin County running smoothly.

 Ann has developed many local, regional, and statewide contacts who provide experience, guidance and mentorship. “I have proven that I am willing and anxious to listen, learn, and then vet the facts before making my decisions.”

Get to know Ann Lieber by following her present and past on her personal facebook.  Support her on

If you would like more information or want to get involved, please call Ann at 972-897-2300 or message via facebook or Becky Washam at 214-676-6432 or e-mail at


- J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in Collin County in North Texas. Advertise with J.B. by calling 469-334-9962.

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