
Are You Thrifty?

Allen/Fairview Chamber honors 'one year anniversary'.

It Makes Sense
jb blocker 

   I'm wearing designer jeans and a silk shirt as I write this. I would not have bought them for myself for full sticker price. Heck, I probably wouldn't have payed 1/2 price. I paid $6 for the $100+ jeans  that are as comfy as they look and $4 for the shirt at Thrifty Sense in Allen.
  All my other jeans are Wrangler, but these look good and feel real good for loafing around the house so I find myself wearing them more often than I expected. 
  I have several very nice silk shirts that I get compliments on often. I bought every one at a Thrift Store! If someone approached me and mentioned they had donated that same shirt to a charity, I would respond with, "Wow thanks! How much did it cost new cuz it only cost me five bucks!"

  I recently went through my closet and conceded that I had shirts, slacks, and jackets I just wasn't likely to ever wear again. Some of that has to do with my changes of taste and some with changes due to gravity and age. There were a lot of nice clothes that deserved to be worn. 
  I took them over to Thrifty Sense and I hope that someone will soon be wearing them to a job or even a wedding. Will they wonder who wore these clothes first? I know that who ever originally bought my thrifty prize had great taste. 
  Think about the people out there who could use your taste in clothing and will feel better about themselves when they are wearing those clothes hidden away in your closet and drawers. 
  Who knows, you might see someone at a cash register in the Allen area who is wearing that sweater that didn't really fit you very well. Maybe you'll spot some child out in the cold wearing that really nice pink winter coat your daughter grew out of in about 2 seconds flat! 
  I would really dig something like that!
    Oh, I picked up a cutting board, book, and outfitted a 10 year old grand daughter on the last trip. I have been taking my grand children to thrift stores all their shopping lives. It's nice to have a local store dedicated to local needs.

The Allen-Fairview Chamber of Commerce is happy to welcome Thrifty Sense at Greenville and Main to our community.

  With their main focus on assisting returning veterans and their families, assisting the homeless, building healthy families, and caring for children in need through The Vine Foundation, Thrifty Sense is a welcomed addition to the community.
  Founded by Sondra Cedillo and Libby Williams, the Thrifty Sense store uses its proceeds to help our neighbors with clothing and household needs, financial education and support, as well as teaching life management skills. 

Welcome to Allen!  Angela Wood, Operations Director

Allen Chamber of Commerce
Ribbon Cutting at Thrifty Sense in Allen
The two ladies in white are founders Libby and Sondra with future manager Abby next to her mom. 

  "Sondra and I have looked into several business ventures over the past couple of years and we knew we wanted to invest our money in something that would help others.  We prayed about it and talked about different ideas for a long time.  And God led us to putting together The Vine Foundation and Thrifty Sense. At our first board meeting, we decided we wanted the proceeds to go to Veterans, children in need, and the homeless."

From the desk of the Mayor:
  I want to personally welcome Thrifty Sense to the Allen community. It is always refreshing and inspirational when local citizens respond to a higher calling and find ways to share in their successes with neighbors in need.  
  Thrifty Sense is the back bone to The Vine Foundation dedicated to the support of Veterans, homeless, and those in need in the Allen area. Our community is thriving but there are always situations that occur in life when assistance and support are needed. The City of Allen is built on a history of caring for their own. The founders of Thrifty Sense are examples of that spirit.

Best Wishes, Steve Terrell, Mayor of the Great City of Allen, Texas

- J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in Collin County in North Texas. Advertise with J.B. by calling 469-334-9962. Email: 

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