
First Kiss. Do you remember?

First Kiss

jb blocker

Do you remember? Your first kiss? Sure you do.

Just give it a minute. It will come back to you.

I was channel surfing the other day and came across a scene from ‘Meet Joe Black’ a movie starring Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, and a beautiful young lady named Claire Fiorini who plays Hopkins's daughter.

Joe Black is Death who takes human form. He makes a trade with Hopkins character, a highly principled and hugely successful businessman.  In exchange for guidance in the world of the living and a glimpse of life in the human realm, Death extends Hopkins's life and the Hopkins character lets Death into his.

I didn’t see the movie on the big screen and I probably wouldn’t have watched it this time if I wasn’t working on a series I’ve been writing packaged as First Jobs.

I just recently had the pleasure and privilege of spending several hours with McKinney’s Mayor Pro-Tem Pete Huff. We took a journey in time through Pete’s eyes beginning in the 1950s that left me inspired, motivated, and totally captivated.

Something about the Hopkins character resembled Pete Huff’s own in such a way that I watched the movie and missed my beloved Texas Rangers game. I’ve got to figure this TeVo thing out!


At one point in the movie, Death and the daughter share a kiss. For Death, it is his first kiss. The two portray an innocence that was neither clumsy nor forced. It reminded me of something 40 years in my past.

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