

Retired Navy Commander seeks Justice Seat
Gen. Petraeus and Cmd. Cockerell
  In September 2017 I began my campaign for Justice on Place 12 of the 5th District Court of Appeals. It was a great decision for me because it follows over 36 years of trial and appellate law Texas, the most of any of the candidates in my race.

  When I was licensed to practice law in 1981 and I stood to take the oath to become a licensed attorney in the State of Texas, it was one of the greatest days in my life.  I did not always know what lawyers do but I knew I would become one.
Attorney, Veteran, Historian
My experience is broad-based in state and federal courts in civil trial law with a diverse practice. I am Board Certified in Civil Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
  I serve on the Council of the State Bar Appellate Section, the only candidate in the race to be elected on the council.  Only 15 appellate attorneys are elected statewide on this counsel. 
  I am co-chair of the Judicial and Section committee that serves to transcribe the oral histories of the former appellate justices on the court of appeals.  I have conducted interviews and handwritten and transcribed some of these histories that are available on the internet. 
  In addition, as a public service I write a monthly Judicial Profile on the local judges and justices in Tarrant County, a county that is not in the geographical boundaries of the Fifth District.  I spend several hours a month interviewing and preparing these articles for publication.  From studying these interviews for many years on what makes a good justice or judge I have a keen insight on how the Texas judiciary works.
In 1986 I enlisted in the United States Navy as a Petty Officer Third Class and was trained in the Navy Intelligence Program. In 1987 I was granted a direct commission and thereafter served faithfully once a month and for two and sometimes three weeks a year on active duty for the next twenty-eight years until I retired in 2014.
  During my service I was recalled to active duty three times.
  In 1990 I was recalled during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii where I briefed Navy ships leaving the United States and headed to the Persian Gulf.  One of those briefs was to the U.S.S. Missouri (BB-63) in November 1990.  I remember the ship being stationed at Pearl Harbor while many came to see the ship on her last tour.
USS Missouri 1990
   I remember boarding the ship is a young lieutenant to give an intelligence briefing to the Captain, Executive Officer, and its officer crew in the officer’s wardroom.
  Only ninety days earlier I was practicing law in my office. I had no idea I would be on a Navy ship briefing the crew at Pearl Harbor.
  From 2001 to 2003 I was recalled to active duty to the United States Southern Command in Miami, Florida and later to NAS Fort Worth JRB where I served for 21 months on active duty.  I was sent abroad to Curacao to brief the Dutch Military and once sent to brief at the National Security Agency.
  In 2007 I was recalled to active duty and sent to Iraq where I served during Operation Iraqi Freedom and was stationed at various locations including Sadr City and in the Saddam Presidential Palace.    
Leaving Iraq
Bronze Star Recipient
Following my tour in Iraq I was honored with the Bronze Star. In 2014 I retired as a Navy Commander.
  I currently serve clients across the great State of Texas with cases pending in the Texas Supreme Court, the Second and Fifth Courts of Appeals and in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.
  Each year I provide pro bono services to the poor who need a trial and appellate attorney to assist them.
  I have also long-standing Republican credentials having been a precinct chair in Tarrant and Dallas counties.
  I proudly served as the legal counsel to the Tarrant County Republican Party and was a senatorial delegate to the Republican State Convention.

It is with this broad background of experience and the love for the law in Texas that ask for your vote on March 6.
'A Private War' by Cmd. Perry Cockerell

- J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in Collin County in North Texas. Advertise with J.B. by calling 469-334-9962. Political ad paid for by the Perry Cockerell campaign. In compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.

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