
From the 4th of July to the Bench - The Barnett Walker Story

Barnett Walker was born on the 4th of July, raised in North Texas, and has served his country, community, and career choices at the highest levels. Now, he is fulfilling a quest that began during the summer of his 13th year.
In the course of a conversation with my friend Ret. Admiral Robert Smith, I mentioned Barnett Walker, when he was a candidate for Collin County Court #2 Judge as having been recognized as the Air Force Senior Non-commissioned Officer of the Year.
I wanted to know the significance of such an honor.

“That says volumes about the man.” responded the Admiral. “First it means that he was promoted to a rank that the United States Congress limits to the top 3% of all enlisted personnel. Secondly, even among that elite group he had to have been a stellar performer. That award encompasses many aspects such as leadership, dedication, and accomplishment. Anyone who is bestowed with that level of recognition is someone who is an unquestionable leader with a track record that sets the standards for Air Force personnel at all levels.”
  This certainly explains why the 22-year military veteran completed his career as one of the most decorated enlisted men in the Air Force. Barnett’s decorations include

The Lone Star Sheriff's Image

Sheriff Keith Gary, 2 nd from the l eft You Can Always Learn Behind his desk, Sheriff Keith Gary of Grayson County leans towa...