
SENATOR KEN PAXTON Returns to Austin

Sen. Paxton on his first senate bill
Posted: 19 Jan 2013 

Franchise Tax, 2nd Amendment and the
83rd Legislative Session

Last Tuesday, January 8, 2013, was the first day of the 83rd Regular Session of the Texas Legislature (the Legislature convenes for 140 days every other year in odd-numbered years). On that day, I was sworn in as State Senator for District 8. I am humbled and honored to continue serving you in Austin, now on the other side of the rotunda.
The first bill I have filed this session is Senate Bill (SB) 179, a measure to eliminate the corporate franchise tax by phasing it out by January 1, 2017. An economic analysis prepared by the Beacon Hill Institute shows that the elimination of the franchise tax will generate real economic growth as businesses will have over $9 billion to invest in new job creation and capital investments.

As our state's economy grows due to job creation and capital investments, our state budget will quickly overcome any short term tax revenue loss.  The elimination of this tax will keep Texas competitive and strong by allowing Texans to grow their own businesses and possibly attracting businesses from other states that have higher taxes. 
Additionally this week, I have joint-authored SB 182 to allow concealed handgun license holders to carry a concealed handgun on public university campuses. Senator Brian Birdwell filed SB 182 to ensure that Texans' constitutional right to bear arms will be protected on the campuses of our states' universities.

I will continue pursuing legislative opportunities to protect the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Texans, particularly at a time when leaders at the federal level are seeking measures to limit this precious freedom.
To track either of these bills or any other legislation of interest, please visit  On this site, individuals can search by bill number, author or sponsor, committee, subject, action, or legislation filed on a particular date. 
You may also create a personal list of bills for tracking purposes and can even receive electronic notification when there are actions affecting particular legislation.    You may receive e-mail notification when selected calendars, committee hearing notices or committee minutes are posted.  These services are free of charge.  To create a "My Texas Legislature Online" personal list, go to  
The Texas Legislative Council Document Distribution service distributes hard copies of bills and other documents, general information and legislative reference publications members.  For more information on obtaining copies of any of these documents, visit their website at   
Finally, vote information on bills is included in the Senate or House journal if a record vote is requested at the time the vote takes place, or if a member registers within a specified time limit to request that his or her vote is recorded in the journal.  This allows constituents to keep track of how their legislators voted on a particular bill.  For more information on tracking legislative votes, visit To learn who represents you in the Texas House of Representatives and the Texas Senate, visit enter your address.  
I hope these resources will prove to be useful.  I believe it is important for voters to know the issues being discussed and considered by their government, and I strongly believe that constituents have the right to know how their elected officials voted on any particular issue.  I look forward to serving you in Austin, and, as always, I welcome your feedback during this time.

- J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in Collin County in North Texas.




Don Day, McKinney City Council representative for District 1 announced Wednesday that he is running for re-election.
   “For the past three and half years, I have had the privilege of representing District 1 on McKinney‘s City Council.  During this time, our City faced the worst economic downturn in generations, yet McKinney continued to grow and prosper. 
  Every year Council has balanced the City budget without raising taxes. McKinney grew economically creating jobs for our citizens and increasing our tax base to continue funding quality education for our children."

Additional Council accomplishments over the past three years include:
* Development of an economically practical program to complete the hotel structure at Highway 121 and Interstate 75.

* Attraction of new business development to McKinney including Baylor Hospital, Traxxas Corporation, Wistron Corporation, Encore Wire, Ratheon, and Emerson Corporation. These companies will bring more than one thousand new jobs to McKinney.

* Creation of two new Economic Development Zones (TIRZ 1& 2) in East McKinney to provide funding for revitalization of highway 5, the two historic Mills, our historic downtown and continued growth at McKinney’s airport.

* Over the past 4 years, McKinney has twice been named by Money Magazine as one of the top 5 places to live in America.
  McKinney's council continues to work on plans for future development in the downtown area, future development plans for the city's northwest quadrant, and future entertainment venues for McKinney.

   "With City development continuing, I am running for re-election and request your support. McKinney is my home and I want to see it continue to grow and prosper.”

  Don Day has been a resident of McKinney since 1996. Mr. Day is a U.S. Navy veteran and obtained his B.S. degree in Physics from the University of North Texas.
  He has renovated 24 historic building in downtown McKinney and on three occasions he has received the City of McKinney’s annual award for the Best Preservation of a Commercial Historic Building. 
  In 2007 he was awarded the McKinney Main Street’s “Partner of the Year Award”
  In 2007 he was named a “Good Samaritan of the year” by the Samaritan Inn
  In 2008 he was made a Lifetime Member of the McKinney Boys & Girls Club.
  In 2009 he received the McKinney Convention and Convention Bureau award of the year.

- J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in North Texas. Advertise with J.B. by calling 469-334-9962




House of Representatives Honors Congressman Sam Johnson during Special Order Commemorating 40 Years of Freedom from Vietnam (2.25.2013)

Washington, DC – Tonight, the U.S. House of Representatives commemorates the 40 year anniversary of “Operation Homecoming,” which released the longest held Prisoners of War (POWs) as well as those needing urgent medical attention from Vietnam. The House marked the occasion by dedicating a special order to all POWs and Congressman Sam Johnson (TX-03), the only POW in the House of Representatives in the 113th Congress.
Johnson’s colleagues honoring his release and service included:
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (VA-07), 
Congressmen Michael Burgess (TX-26), 
John Carter (TX-31), 
Michael Conaway (TX-11), 
Blake Farenthold (TX-27), 
Bill Flores (TX-17), 
Louie Gohmert (TX-01), 
Kay Granger (TX-12), 
Ralph Hall (TX-04), 
Jeb Hensarling (TX-05), 
Randy Neugebauer (TX-19), 
Pete Olson (TX-22), 
Ted Poe (TX- 02), 
Lamar Smith (TX-21), Pete Sessions (TX-32), 
Steve Stockman (TX-36), 
Roger Williams (TX-25).
“It is an honor and privilege to continue serving our country, and particularly the great state of Texas. I truly appreciate the kind words expressed by each of my colleagues tonight. I still think about my days in Vietnam, and pray for those who currently find themselves in harm’s way to protect our freedoms,” said Johnson.     

On February 12, 1973, POWs were released to U.S. officials near Hanoi, North Vietnam under the terms of the cease-fire agreement. 
This taste of freedom was a long time coming for Johnson who was captured during his second tour in Vietnam and spent nearly seven years as a POW.  Shot down at dusk over North Vietnam during his 25th combat mission on April 16, 1966, Johnson suffered a broken right arm, dislocated left shoulder and a broken back.  It was these injuries that the enemy captors would use in their fruitless efforts to glean information from Johnson.
Forced into solitary confinement for 42 months, labeled as a “die-hard” resister and subjected to tremendous suffering, Johnson consistently demonstrated a relentless devotion to duty, honor and country.  “The one thing I want to remind everyone is that freedom isn’t free,” concluded Johnson.

Johnson urges States and localities to honor the courage and sacrifice of men and women in uniform.  Johnson takes this opportunity to encourage all veterans of all wars to share their stories. In particular, Johnson advocates that veterans or children of veterans participate in the nationwide Library of Congress program, The Veterans History Project.  To learn more about this important initiative, go to
J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in Collin County in North Texas. Advertise with J.B. by calling 469-334-9962. Email: or

The Lone Star Sheriff's Image

Sheriff Keith Gary, 2 nd from the l eft You Can Always Learn Behind his desk, Sheriff Keith Gary of Grayson County leans towa...