Guest Speaker: Angela Tucker-Attorney, GOP Candidate for Collin County 199th District Court Judge
Front Row : Melanie Hedrick -Realtor, Trish McBean -Nurse Manager, Becky Holmes -Safe Candle Sales, Jacki Muehlenbein -Travel Consultant, Julie Crosby-Fritz -Health & Wellness Products, Angela Tucker-guest candidate
Back Row: Mary Detweiler -Promotional Products, Mike Napurano -Large Format Printer, Richard Pedretti-Allen -Graphic Design and Print, Geoff Cerny -HVAC, Dr. Lee Ligon -Chiropractic, Carl Vance -Large Format Printer
McKinney Networking Meeting
It started as a monthly meeting in the Meeting Room of The Pub on McKinney’s town square. Before long it became a weekly gathering every Thursday evening at 7:00.
This eclectic gathering of professionals has now grown into a support group of friends and entrepreneurs.
As with most networking groups, each profession is exclusive to the first member who pays the nominal $15 annual fee. There is a catch. You have to be active!
Each week new guests show up to see if they connect.
During the campaign season, a weekly special guest candidate is given 10 minutes to state their case for their candidacy before answering to the knowledgeable gathering. The questions are hard hitting and the follow up to the answers are immediately discussed.
This group of serious and highly motivated Networkers have the ability and the contacts that could have a serious impact on any candidate who impresses or disappoints.
Angela Tucker, the candidate to fill the 199th District Court seat in Collin County wowed the networking pros this week. The Q&A segment lasted long after the meeting was adjourned and every available street sign was gobbled up by newly committed supporters who freely volunteered to use their personal networks to bring attention to the judge to be.
This type of format allows a more intimate opportunity for the candidates to really connect and to make their qualifications and intentions clear.
While Mrs. Tucker was making her case, one MNM member used her smart phone to verify an endorsement Tucker was claiming. She immediately confirmed the endorsement to the group. This collection of networkers make things happen and they don’t mince words! The meetings remain fairly informal and light-hearted but these pros are very serious about sharing referrals and helping each other grow their businesses.
If you aren’t part of an intimate networking group in the McKinney area that works for you, show up on Thursdays and make some new friends and connections. If you are already active in other networks then just remember that referrals are always the best advertizing and that in the world of business that age old adage will always apply. The More, the Merrier!
"Coming together, sharing together, working together, and succeeding together."
The McKinney Networking Meeting is a group that is committed to helping our community THRIVE! We are a group of Professionals, Small Business Owners, Self-Employed, Entrepreneurs, and Charitable Organizations all working together to grow and learn.
What McKinney Networking Meeting can help you with:
* Referrals of potential customers/clients
* Referrals of services for your business/organization
* Education on Networking/Referrals/Business Ownership
* Marketing Training
* Goal setting and Celebrating Success
www. meetup.com/Mckinney-networking-meeting
- J.B. Blocker is a media consultant based in Collin County in North Texas. Advertise with J.B. by calling 469-334-9962. Email: jbnorthtexas@gmail.com or jbblocker@hotmail.com.